Friday, August 6, 2010

So Excited to Announce! ASL on Thursday Evenings

I have always had an interest in American Sign Language. While in high school the local library had a two part course over one summer and my Mom, brother and I took the course. Over the years I have served in churches that have offered this and love it! I have retained a little after all this time and my wife and I use it with our children. We started with the basics from the time they were born and it has been a great tool.

Anyway...God has led Mrs. Laura to our ministry and she knows ASL and is willing to interpret our Thursday evening services. She is such a God sent! And it just goes to show that He will "give us the desires of our heart". I am so excited about this new opportunity for our church and being able to reach out in another area. I am also excited for the doors that this is opening for Worship Arts.

So pass the word along! Thursday Evening at 7pm.

God Bless! And keep on Praising!
Pastor Jonathan

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