Sunday, July 25, 2010

What happens when God's people stop playing and start praying?

In the message today Pastor David share out of Acts 4:24-31. We see what happens when we rely on prayer and what God can do.

In this passage we see the following:
1. They acknowledge that God is the creator of the universe (vs24)
2. They acknowledge that God is in control of all things (vs28)
3. They received the presence of God and they knew it (vs31)

People don't pray because they don't know that they have a need. But God is our provider! He knows in advance what we need and when we will need it.

If you download us through iTunes please leave us feedback. It will help with our rating and make it easier for others to find us.

If you don't use iTunes and just want to download the mp3 file directly you can do it by clicking this link.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Why do you fail to grow?

Sunday - July 18th 10am

Pastor David shares this message out of Joshua 17:12-18.

We know that there are many of you who are waiting for these. So Pastor Jonathan is getting them up as quickly as possible. As we can add equipment we will get these files to sound better for you. If you are subscribed to our podcast please leave us comments on iTunes, it will help our rating and make it easier for others to find us.

Here is the link to the MP3 file if you want to download it from here.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Stable Faith - Message by Emmit Stevens

Guest speaker Emmit Stevens shares a message with us out of John 11. (If you subscribe to our feed you will receive the MP3 file [4mb] of the message.)

For any of you that don't use iTunes or RSS feeds you can...

Get the MP3 file here

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Coming Soon!

OK! It looks like Pastor Jonathan has everything set up now for us to start our podcast and posting of the messages from the services. If you haven't check out our web site take the time to visit us. for computers or for your mobile device.

See you soon!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

First Test Message

We are getting this set up to be able to have our messages available to you in both MP3 format and on iTunes as a podcast. Stay tuned for more information